Silly (?) question about dickgirls, AKA futanari

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 58 comments
in Categories: Just Talking
Tags: futanari

Hello there folks !

As you know, some hentai artists draw a lot of futanari (also called dickgirls), like Shiwasu No Okina or Saigado Comics. Personally I see no interest in this, but heck, anyone has his own tastes, as long as it is legal and not about sex with girls aged 6 (for lolicon fans, I’d suggest a therapy), I don’t care.

But though, a question just popped in my mind : where do all those dickgirls come from ? I mean, there are the transsexuals, men who chose to have an operation to look like females externally except that they don’t have a vagina. But I never heard about REAL dickgirls.
Would I be wrong here, does that thing really exist in the real world, maybe ? o_O

For instance, in Sei So Tsui Dan Sha [English], by Shiwasu No Okina, on a certain page, the mangaka writes something weird about that : “that’s right : these girls have a cock. In some sense, the core of this story is autobiographical”.

If you’ve got information or links on this subject, please share it, i’m very curious :o

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17 years ago

Well it is possible, If something genetic goes wrong there are possiblities of a girl having a malesexorgan. Nowdays it is probably changed with a surgical procedures.

17 years ago

depending if on what you mean but if you mean a man whit tits that lock like a girl then yes…and they make movies….and put em on the net >.

17 years ago

Since you said it peeked your interest:
the human sex is determined through the X and Y chromosomes. XX being females, XY male.
Though a lot of different problems can in fact cause ‘mixed’ sexes.
A list of reasons and consequences can be found here:

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
17 years ago

Yeah, Power, that is called Transsexuals. But they have no vagina.

But real girls equipped with a penis, like Jake said ? For me, that’s just sci-fi…

17 years ago

how about hermaphrodite

Storm Crow
Storm Crow
17 years ago

I suspect they come from the same place as all of the siblings and/or parents&children without the inbreeding inhibition instinct.

It is genetically possible to be born XXY and be viable, or have a crossing over event during meiosis to place male determining factor onto a normal female chromosome or visa versa. Also, as with female spotted hyenas, high levels of testosterone during a zygote’s development will produce male structures in either gender. Take your pick. It’s a real thing, just exceedingly rare.

14 years ago
Reply to  Storm Crow

that only really exists in the animals, it doesn't occur in humans, even when there is some form of hermaphrodite-ism, a true hermaphrodite (one with both WORKING sexual organs, whether or not they can reproduce) has never been recorded in humans

13 years ago
Reply to  MAU

That is not true. Do a little research Mau. Since WWII, there has been an increase in children who are born with both sets of genitalia, i.e., hermaphrodites. In fact, there is a New York doctor who is catching a lot of flack for pressuring parents into paying him to surgically change those children to be strictly one gender or the other while they were still babies.

For every one of the 5K+ cases per year that have been recorded, there are probably more that were not recorded and were changed surgically by their doctor without even letting the parents know. Not all doctors are ethical when it comes to things that will upset their adult patients.

If you think about the number of nuclear bombs that were tested during WWII and just afterward, you have a probably source for this change in humans. There has been plenty of research that shows that the upper level wind currents can and do carry particulate and gaseous matter all over the world. That means that every nuclear test that was done, anywhere in the world, by any country in the world, generated radioactive fallout that was spread all over the world by those upper level wind currents.

Many of the children who had those operations have had lots of problems because of them. Some of them have had difficulties with not feeling like the gender they were assigned was the gender they should be! Hmm. Maybe some of our homosexuals were born as hermaphrodites? I don't know and I doubt if there is any data on that.

I do know that I personally feel that such a personal decision should have been put off until the children could make an enformed decision for themselves.

Again, for anyone who doubts this, do a bit of research online and you will find articles that show that human hermaphrodites do exist and have increased in frequency of birth since WWII. I found some of the articles on MSN, so that might be a good place to start.

Master Zoen
Master Zoen
13 years ago
Reply to  skia71355

I wonder if it's just evolution occurring befor our eyes? The science community always said that evolution would seem strange and unwanted to the majority until the evolutionary change was the majority.

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
17 years ago

I am very surprised, so it seems it DOES exist, even in rare proportions. That idea is strange, real girls in all regards except they’re equipped with a penis…

17 years ago

I guess it would be totally errated if it occurrs, if a human is woman should then had an reproductive sistem wich determines her to be a woman, same for a man, if has penis and no testicles, her sexuality is useless, if something like a woman with penis happens, it should a mistake caused by external intervention.

Fak u xD

17 years ago

Don’t you remember ? In France, there was this strange story about a woman who was fighting for the breasts cancer, when suddenly she revealed that she had no cancer at all, but rather a problem with her genitals… I think I remember that she was doing Jet Ski or that she had crossed an ocean… and that she was interviewed in Vivement Dimanche at the time… well my memory is all mixed up and blurry, but I know it happened :D

17 years ago

some time ago i readed a story about a really famous porno actress, i dont remember her name now, who was a hermaphrodite, she had a pennis and a vagina totally funcional.

17 years ago

funny, i actually study this, so where do i start…

i’ll just keep it it short and simple so that everybody can understand.

XX n XY chromosome, one for girl another for boys, eberybody knows that. this is called genetic gender

but there are incidents where ur genitals are contrary to ur genes, this is due to hormonal disturnal during ur growth as a foetus in ur mothers womb.

finally, there’s the true hermaphrodite, with a testicle that is half ovary (the female gonads).

but of cource this being a hentai web, most of u won’t care about the genetics, it’s whether they can screw or be screwed or both at the same time no? the answer to that is NO. beilieve or not, vagina and penis came from the same tissue origin during foetal life. so it’s either u’ll end up with a penis, a vagina, or a defective genital.
defective meaning it’s got a bit of both but closer will be closer to either a penis or vagina. it can be hard to tell which is the predominant trait until they’ve become adult. anyway, they’ll need surgery to get a normal functional genitals.

it goes beyond this but hey, i don’t want to be giving u lots a lecture. this is just the basics. thing do get very complicated which i won’t bother to elaborate.

17 years ago

Hi there.

I think the closest thing to dickgirls in real life are hermaphrodites.
I remember studying about extremelly rare cases of people having strange X-Y crhomosome groups: XXY, XXXY, XYY, XXYY or XYYY. All of the aforementioned are male, though.

As for where does the manga fetish of dickgirls come I don’t really know. I guess it comes from the same place as milk-squirting-orgasms, fuckable nipples and self-lubricated rectums.

I also wondered about dickgirls myself and kind of classified the different types I’ve come across according to the “equipment” they show:
– penis + testes + clit + vagina (full equipped XD)
– penis + clit + vagina
– penis + vagina (the penis replaces the clit)
– penis + testes + vagina (penis + testes replaces clit)

17 years ago

There is just no way both organs works if the person have both, it is not just possible.
The body isnt made to fit both reproduction system and ther are more.

17 years ago

Real dickgirls don’t exist. While it is possible for babies to be born genetically ambivalent (to appear to have both genitalia), they are not born as true, or fully-functioning, hermaphrodites.

17 years ago

Most forms of hermaphrodites historically/mythologically are genetic disorders, but there are exceptions. Of note is one of the Chimera legends in Greek mythology, in which a male/female beast misguided travelers to a hideous demise.

Chimera hermaphrodites do exist in real life. They exist when fraternal twins in the womb merge together at a very early stage (before the heart or central nervous system is formed) and continue to grow with both genetics coexisting. As fraternal twins don’t necessarily share the same gender, you have a type of hermaphroditism. The person does not usually have both sets of fully functioning genitalia, but both genitalia exist in some form. The odds of this type of ambiguity occurring is probably pretty rare as the hormonal sex assignment stage of development normally causes both gene sets to become the same gender development wise, if not genetically.

17 years ago

From what I’ve understood from my understanding of this matter, in the cases of hermaphrodism, the legal gender of the individual is determined by their sexual preferences. Therefore, a dickgirl who digs girls (pun intended) is legally a guy.

Of course, there’s the question of “what if the individual’s a bi”, in which case comes the psychological profiling part to determine the legal gender. This happens regardless of whether the individual has breasts or not.

17 years ago

have you never watched ‘the crying game’?

17 years ago

I think a girl with dick is not a girl.
Why dont call them vaginaboys? (or vagina and tits boys)
And yes, I hate to find dickgirls when I read a doujin.

17 years ago

I have another question that one of my friends had to ask himself: can shotacon be considered as a combination of lolicon & futanari? xD

14 years ago
Reply to  Yuki

no shotacon is the male equivalent to lolicon. a shotacon is a person who digs little boys, lolicon is more directed at little girls.

17 years ago

I’ve been into futanari for some years, and I’d like to add in addition to everyone else’s comments that I have never seen a real live “fully functional” hermaphrodite the likes of which you see in h-manga commonly. If any really exist, they’re rare enough that none of them are famous in the porn world.

Virtually all real life “dick girl” porn are men who have implants and crossdress and maybe take hormones, which itself seems to often result in a shrunken non-functional penis.

And to the person(s) who said they don’t see the sex appeal of futanari? Lesbian porn is very popular; lesbian porn with strap-ons add to that appeal with the recognizable humping we’re all used to in vanilla porn. Futanari/dick girls are just the next depraved step away from that, and in my experience that’s what draws a lot of the devoted fans to the fetish.

johnny corwen
johnny corwen
17 years ago

I recall having seen once porn photos of a girl with a penis, but in this age, it could easily been a girl with a strap-on and then photoshop-ed.

17 years ago

i’ve heard off a biological screw up like this, where they have breasts and a penis but… i know its surgically possible to get one.

lol, thats why most doujins give a REALLY stupid reason :P

But hey, you got quite a few stuff where you label it futanari. But it’s a guy dressed up as a girl. Is there a special name for this?

17 years ago

Well I actually like futunari (and quality ones are hard to find)so I’d appreciate if you could post more of them here.

As for the dick-girls, they do exist in different ways. More common form is a woman with male sex organs (testacles are undeveloped and instedad of uterus inside, lower voice, broad shoulders…), but males with female fetures do exist (small breasts, higher voice, broad hips…). Most of them can surgicaly have they’re sex “fixed” to what they see as appropriate one.

So please, poste more of it!

17 years ago

Hah. You see, this is something of a really complicated matter in the way that Shiwasu puts it, especially in the subtle context. If you read back through Sei So and find the page where the author says it, and then the one before it you’ll notice a certain thing; The artist representation of Shiwasu is drawn as a male figure with a bit of a bearded stubble, but when the line about the autobiography is mentioned, the facial hair falls off and the artist drawn self is more feminine

What I, and a lot of people tend to think that all of this means is that Shiwasu the artist could either be a man who has undergone the transformation to become a woman, or vice versa in where the woman becomes a man. No one knows for sure yet.

Gazing Rabbit
Gazing Rabbit
17 years ago

It’s real enough. I’ve seen pictures in biology class.

17 years ago

i've seen dick girls on porn mags. (advertisements). and from what i've seen they look like guys with dicks and fake boobs. so..
that doesn't really account for transexuals right? coz that means they have it cut off.

17 years ago

There are. They are called “hermaphrodites” and are transgender. well, they are girls, with huge clitoris, in fact 10% of all girls born are hermaphrodites in the beginning, but the clitoris goes back in or will be surgically smalled.

17 years ago

Try google image searching hermaphrodite. After sifting through some crap, you’ll see real legitimate dickgirls, no operations, nothing.

16 years ago

To me the whole Dickgirl thing is pretty much an unattainable fantasy.

I do not enjoy most of the work that comes out but Kurenai or Gura Nyuto’s work are simply stunning in and of themselves (even if they didn’t have DG in them)

One mistake I made was to show some of the art to a gay friend (I’m not) and oh boy I could immediately see the look in his eyes, I reassured him by saying that even though I really enjoy watching this material it doesn’t stir any gay fantasies at all.

16 years ago

Though it’s been said enough times, just want to reiterate.

Yes it is possible through genetic mutation, problems during birth, etc. However, even if they are functional, no human being has ever had fully-functional testes and ovaries at the same time. Usually the ovaries function but the testes do not, and thus cannot create sperm and impregnate a woman.

Regardless, while you might be able to fulfill a dickgirl fantasy with one of these people, you could never have a true female, male, dickgirl threesome as some of these doujin do.

On the topic of futanari, I like some of it, some of it is exceptionally good, but there is also alot of crap out there too. I prefer futanari without testicles and a normal sized penis.

Personally, futanari does two things for me. First, it is like the ultimate in bukake since both partners are capable of releasing semen all over. Second, it allows for the most graphic female orgasms. Squirting videos may show the female orgasm in detail, but there is just something more powerful and appealing about a girl having a massive orgasm and spewing out semen.

just my 2cents

16 years ago

i know i have seen somewhere on the net porn videos with girls with both dick and vagina, it’s not as if i look them up, i just found them by chance, tho i gotta say these real dickgirls (even with gorgeus faces and big tits and ass in most of these cases – obviously to make the males comfortable) were a total turn-off for me, its strange cuz i like big tits, but man real girls with cock are a downer!

16 years ago

I love how you guys are totally going into the genetics and stuff. Yeah, yeah.. XX and XY. Big deal. What decides if we’re male with testes or not is actually a gene on the short end of the Y chromosome. Just to clear that up.

As for an honest [ok, hentai-style] dickgirl, the chances are slim-to-none, but I’m not going ot bet money on it being impossible. Humans have been around long enough, I’m pretty sure there’s been at least one person that qualifies. After all, anything’s possible. It’s just the probability that creates the problem.

16 years ago

Oh yeah, one more thing, don’t ever let me catch any of you bozos saying there’s never been a case of anything! My example being Den. “However, even if they are functional, no human being has ever had fully-functional testes and ovaries at the same time.” Were you around before history was recorded? Besides, do you honestly think that at any point before this past century, someone like that would come forward and admit it?

Regardless, I’m sorry for the rant, I just hate people who use absolutes so carelessly.

16 years ago

and honestly, I couldn’t care less. us “bozos” don’t really give a damn what you hate… and I already have a brother who uses the same pointless arguments you do.

I am well aware of the possibilities, and yet you don’t have any evidence of anything even close. as of yet, all evidence points toward the fact that hermaphrodites do not have both working ovaries and testes. sometimes one, sometimes the other, sometimes neither, but never both. furthermore, there is no evidence to indicate that a human could possibly be born with both functioning parts, even if we used advanced medical technology to keep alive all of the hermaphrodites that don’t make it through the first few years of their life. Even if we counted a few drops of sperm and a few infertile eggs as evidence. It simply doesn’t happen, and as far as I’m concerned I don’t care if it ever does.

and no I wont go digging up evidence to prove it to some “bozo” on a hentai site. furthermore, I don’t even consider scientific fact to be infallible. but its sure a hell of alot more reliable than mere speculation without any experience, knowledge, or expertise whatsoever.

Gravity isn’t a truth, it’s a scientific fact. One day we may learn that we are completely wrong about the way gravity works. but would you rather live with complete speculative uncertainty, or educated, scientific guesses backed by research?

16 years ago

Because I was saying that my entire life is based on speculation. >.> Just so you know, I’m a science geek, too. I’m also a philosophy geek. So I understand not only how much humans do know, but how much humans don’t know.

Honestly, I’m not sure why you even decided to respond, if I’m so stupid for saying anything. Besides, as you said, this is a hentai site. Not the greatest of places for a philosophical debate.

16 years ago

Hard to believe when you have the maturity level of a 16 year old and the arrogance of a scholar who has only studied from a single textbook.

the point is simple… next time someone asks for opinions… stick to your own and lay off other people when you don’t even have anything to bring to the table

16 years ago

Insults… Ok, that’s my cue to stop. Real mature, by the way.

16 years ago

oh good god you woman (no offense to females… its just a figure of speech). I was going to stop two posts ago but you keep being a damn hypocrite. Clearly your very first post wasn’t insulting and immature… just mine was.

Your arguments are on the same level as my brother 2 years ago, making you as mature as a 16 year old with a 2.0 gpa. and your arrogance is disgusting

16 years ago

Now really would be a good time to stop, then…

15 years ago

i’ve done the whole google bit(looking fer hentai of course) and fell on human hermaphrodites fuckin’ a.
i was not ready to witness that.

15 years ago

here's a link that might help…

is says that true hermaphrodites are impossible in humans, but there are psudohermaphrodites(one of the sex organs is fully functional but never both)…and by sex organs I mean ovaries and testies…so that means vag is there and penis still get hard and both are still sensitive. :)

11 years ago
Reply to  Vlan

That was truly a brilliant text. Explained in detail, in an easy way to read, and most importantly: devoid of preconceptions. So bad that doesn't seem that mane people have read this…

15 years ago
Here are some links to some hermaphrodite pron. Although I don’t know how real is it.
Also, Den, do you say that “you could never have a true female, male, dickgirl threesome” because “no human being has ever had fully-functional testes and ovaries at the same time”? I mean, people don’t use testicles and ovaries to heve sex, they use penises and vaginas. :)
So, since it’s a hentai site, the question is not if it’s possible or not for hermophrodite to impregnate someone AND get impregnated – or maybe even impregnate herself, lol – but if she can have orgasm from her penis AND from her vagina thus beeng able to have sex with both genders.

15 years ago

If you want to see one just put hermaphrodite ( its the real term for DGs) in the youporn search field

ps: this is no advertisement

pps: But beware it looks creepy

13 years ago

Heard that there is a certain condition that render boys "without " Penises…
That sucks and blows at the same time…

PS : if it's even possible to do both at the same time…

12 years ago

A girl with a super clitoris count as hermaphrodites so technically futanari do exist. End of the line NON-BELIEVERS. Hahaha. >:3

Mr. Olorin
Mr. Olorin
12 years ago

Chimerism. A condition in which two or more seperately fertilized eggs in the same womb will at times merge into one body. This may cause extra or misplaced body part even different blood types in the same body, and on the occasion of male and female mix the genital may occure concurrently in part or in whole: Fully functional male/female is the rarest, more often if it is noticable at all it would be an under-developed vagina what is mostly a man, a pair of peaches on a woman-ish body, and yes what would appear to be a woman with a penis.

Now as to the appeal, the futa on female fantasy provides strongly (perhaps overly) Heterosexual males the stimulation of seeing sex with the bare minimal of Male parts. In other cases (especially in cases of Futa on male) , the penis being a symbol of domination, it is similar to other forms of fem-dom.

Dr Dude
Dr Dude
12 years ago

It isn't about genetics that decide 'functionality' of your sexual organs, instead it is hormonal.

Human males with high levels of oestrogen, will inhibit the activity of testosterone, leading to under developed and reduced function of his male sexual organs, as well as showing signs of breast development, this can in fact be caused by obesity, so watch your weight lads!.

A human female with abnormally high levels of Testosterone will find reduced breast development, under functional vagina (ie won't get wet) and discover her periods irregular at best, and ultimately most likely be nigh on infertile.
Both hormones are very similar to each other, and compete with each other in the body, and injecting both would achieve very little due to the competing for receptors on the sensitive cells which require it.
The fact is, a functional dick-girl is impossible in any scenario in the modern world, without medically installing fake 'functional' body parts, which is how 'real' dickgirls are added to porn.
I know that a gay guy can have both breast impants and had a 'vagina' installed so he can be more of a woman. Normally they turn the penis (made of sensitive skin) into a vagina to ensure functionality, but this is just skin we are talking about, is it hard to conceive using other skin for the purpose?
On a final note: Such transexuals also have a higher rate of suicide than the average population, most likely due to being unhappy with the body they were born with, this is a shame, and we should try to help everyone grow to enjoy who and what they are, even if it isn't what they wanted, rather than isolating them because they are different.
Sure dickgirls creep me out, and gays make me uncomfortable, but I can get over that and try to be friendly none the less, most people are pretty decent when you get to know them.

12 years ago
Reply to  Dr Dude

>The fact is, a functional dick-girl is impossible in any scenario in the modern world, without medically installing fake 'functional' body parts, which is how 'real' dickgirls are added to porn.

I guess you've never heard of "true hermaphroditism" then?

12 years ago

Well, out of all the futanari videos I've seen. There only two I know about where girl had a dick from birth. The rest was a true woman who just had a dick for that time. Gaining it by magic, not being human, surgically added on, popping a pill and using some kind of temp penis. But in manga it's just there.Two qusetions come to mind. Frist does a girl with a enlarge clit using it like a penis count as futanari? Second if a futanari girl does impregnate another girl how would the child come out? But I guess the anime Vandread answered that question. As they didn't have futanari but women where able to impregnate other by medically enplanting DNA in to one another.

12 years ago
Reply to  RED

I'm currently watching that actually.

Anyway, most hermaphrodites are sterile.

The rest have incomplete organs (either a dick or a vagina) that don't work, and the other works just fine. You can't have a "futanari girl", it's either a "man with a non-working vag" or a "woman with a non-working penis".

Hentai Addict
Hentai Addict
11 years ago

Beacuse this is still a relevant topic…

I vaguely remember watching a documentary series on HBO about sex, and they focused of futa (called transgendered IIRC) briefly. Again, this was a long ass time ago, so my memory is fuzzy, but I think there were 2 real life futa from both, with breasts and functioning penis & vaginas. They were lamenting the fact that when they get guys, the guys view them as strictly sex objects, and typically just want to play with their dicks…

And for me, the appeal of futanari hentai is simple. I'm bisexual, but lean towards females. If I could find a real life futanari… oh, the fun. For most people, it's probably more of the appeal of penis-in-vagina sex, with more tits to look at. Or lesbians, with biologically grown, permanent 'strap ons'

And like a few people said, MOAR FUTA! I'm a futanari junkie. Loli, shota, incest I could do without.

11 years ago
Reply to  Hentai Addict

"Transgendered" means you had a sex change. Not the same thing :X

11 years ago

When you believe in metaphysical/spiritual/magical approach, which is exist in reality, hermaphrodite sure can be done perfectly. With some 'help' from demon(s) it is totally possible.

Well, the problem is, will you believe it?